Thursday, October 20, 2016

Stop Speaking Poorly of the South Coast

Photo by: Kelsey Garcia

I don't think I can go a single day without someone trash-talking Fall River or New Bedford, and both cities have so much going for them: the beautiful views, the great people that live there trying to push them forward, the amazing food, and the local businesses doing what they can because they love where they live. Still, others don't see this they just see everything bad. Every city and town has its downfalls, but they're not highlighted as they often are in these two cities. If you really want the South Coast to change it's on you to do something about it.
To make a difference it really doesn't take much, just changing your attitude can do a lot. Speaking poorly about your city makes it okay for others to speak poorly about your city.
To make a difference start by not speaking poorly of it.
I also hear people saying they want change but not doing anything about it; hoping a politician makes a difference is not how things get fixed, it takes so much more than that. Just a neighborhood can make a difference, by fundraising and fixing a park, or even something smaller like a clean up day.
Stop speaking poorly of where you're from and do something to fix it.

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